
Cosmetic Bonding Services Offered in San Diego, CA

A beautiful smile doesn’t have to break your budget; cosmetic bonding offers the chance to address many aesthetic issues in a safe and affordable manner. Sarah Elghor, DDS, of Elghor Dental Studio in San Diego, California, brings a wealth of experience to her practice, including cosmetic treatments like dental veneers. Call or click today to book a visit.

Cosmetic Bonding Q&A

How can cosmetic bonding improve my smile?

Traditional dental bonding involves applying a thin layer of resin to the visible surfaces of your teeth. Bonding can improve the appearance of the following:
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Discoloration that teeth whitening cannot improve
  • Gapped teeth
  • Abnormally short teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
Bioclear® is an innovative approach to dental bonding. Also known as “injection overmolding, Bioclear treatments cover all visible surfaces of your natural tooth with a composite resin that’s then finished to a glass-like polish.

What should I expect during cosmetic bonding visits?

Cosmetic bonding takes very little time, and you can leave with your renewed smile in just one visit. There’s no need for any preparation or anesthesia. X-rays or other imaging is often performed first to ensure your teeth are free of decay before moving forward with your bonding.

You simply relax in the treatment chair as Dr. Elghor prepares your teeth to help the bonding material adhere properly. A special light cures the composite material before Dr. Elghor polishes your teeth to a bright shine. 

With Bioclear, thin mylar forms wrap each tooth before the resin is injected into the wrap. A special curing light hardens the resin in seconds before the final polishing step. Bioclear can also effectively eliminate the dark or black triangles that develop at the base of teeth, near the gumline.

How can I make my cosmetic bonding results last?

Taking great care of your teeth is the best way to extend your cosmetic bonding results. Embrace a solid oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing daily. Choose a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging the composite resin material. 

Never chew ice, and don’t use your teeth as tools to open packages or hold items in place. If you have a habit of chewing on pencils or other nonfood items, take steps to cease those activities. 

Coming in for routine dental exams is also important and provides Dr. Elghor an opportunity to check your teeth and gums for signs of decay or disease. Professional dental cleaning removes all traces of plaque and tartar and also reduces the risk of staining on your bonded teeth. 

Book a visit today using the online scheduling page, or call the office to check appointment availability.